Monday, 13 May 2013

The longest week!


So last week has to have been one of the longest weeks in history, hence no blog!  Having ended the previous week on a super high note with the success of my first short story, last week began on a more stressful note.

We took the plunge and put the house on the market.  In words it is such a simple sentence but in reality it is way more complicated.  Having got everything ready in advance - paperwork already done with estate agent and photos taken on rare occasion of complete tidiness,  sudden flurry of activity ensued with a number of viewings on the same day.  So, whipped up into a frenzy, I cleaned and tidied like a crazy woman to the point that even a misplaced glass of water or thread from someone's sock almost tipped me over the edge.  

Selling a property seems kind of simple on the surface.  Have it valued, tidy it, show people round, take an offer and bingo house sold.  Equally, finding your dream home is meant to be simple.  Bimble around people's homes (some not so tidy though - shocking!) and at some point fairly soon in the proceedings, wander into the perfect house.  Put in an offer many thousands of pounds lower than they are asking and have it accepted immediately because you are so nice and they desperately want YOU to have their home.  Well, not so much.  This doesn't really happen. You walk into other folk's houses and they are sometimes untidy, often over priced, sometimes the bulbs have gone in the light fittings and gardens are messy.  The reality is that unless you want to pay over the odds for a new property where everything is perfect then you have to put up with the way other people want to sell.  

In fairness, we are a week in and I'm already considering the 'what you see is what you get' stance and not stressing my entire family to the point of crisis, even when they breathe!  Poor HuffingtonBear has me following him around with a brush and plastic bag in case any fur whisps off into the air, to be sneezed over by prospective buyers.  So, I am hoping for an offer today, because I am bored already.  We have upped our top limit in terms of what we will buy and are hoping the perfect house will plop into my lap sometime over the next couple of days via the internet.  Keep your fingers (and paws) crossed!

Last week was also a pretty sad week in Our House.  Our poor bunny of 9 years sadly departed, having been to the vet early in the week.  I sat with him through much of the night on Thursday as his fragile little body struggled to stay alive.  I snuggled him close, wrapped in a towel and told him how much we loved him and the following morning he left us.  The saddest experience in a very long time.  Son #2 having loved poor Bun since his 9th birthday when he arrived in our back room was devastated.  A much loved part of the family we said goodbye to Our Bun on Friday at a wonderful little ceremony at the Surrey Pet Cemetery near Lingfield.  What a wonderful place, where you can take your beloved pet, where your tears and sadness are completely understood, where you can say a heartfelt goodbye before your pet is either buried or cremated with complete dignity.  Having sobbed through a poem and short service, we left Our Bun and went for a cup of tea in a village tea shop only to return an hour or so later with Our Bun's ashes safely and lovingly wrapped in a handmade envelope and popped in the back of a photo frame.  We brought him home.  It was a special send off for a special little part of our family.

So here we are on Monday.  Hoping for a nicer, kinder week.  Whoever you are and wherever you are, me and HuffingtonBear are sending you a hug.

Have a good one!  Julesy x 

1 comment:

  1. Wow Jules, what a mixed week of emotions! Really sorry to hear about Bun, I remember losing my bunny when I was young and was devastated. It sounds like he had a lovely send off and a lovely life surrounded by a loving family, what more would any pet want?
    Moving house is a real eye opener, you can't believe how other people live and how genuine they are when they make no effort to show their homes off in their best pride. The right one will come along when its meant to be, you have to believe that. Its like most things, fate will intervene when the right house
    comes onto the market.
    Sending you a big hug, stay positive and looking forward to the next installment!
    Anita xx
