Thursday, 25 April 2013

Abby and Brittany - pretty extraordinary

OK so the story of Abby and Brittany is on BBC3 right now and I am compelled to write.

Abby and Brittany are conjoined twins who believe that anything is possible.  I'll probably get this wrong but basically, the girls share one body - they have two legs between them and two arms which I guess makes them look like one person but they each have a head and have two of their major organs.  One twin controls one half of the body and the other controls the other side.

They are 22 and study at university.  Nothing holds them back.  They have learned to drive, they love to socialise, they love fashion and have brilliant friends.  They say they are just ordinary but they are anything but.  They are extraordinary.  They are completely in sync with one another and yet they are quite different, even though they finish each other's sentences and speak in unison sometimes.

It must have been so hard growing up with the obvious attention that they must always attract and yet they come across as well adjusted, fun and interesting.

If you haven't watched them or seen anything about them, then you so should. I think they are pretty inspirational and I have spent the last half hour smiling and laughing along with the programme.  Not through pity though or anything like it, just because they are engaging and actually, yeah, just two normal girls ... and who's to say what normal really is.

Julesy x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jules,
    I read about these girls on the BBC website yesterday..they were amazing..we can`t even begin to understand their lives really and yet they try and live as near normal life as inspiration really xx
